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ACCA: The Truth About Alberta Care

Posted on December 10th, 2020

The Alberta Continuing Care Association (ACCA) is launching a campaign aiming to educate Albertans about the impact of COVID-19 and the larger, systemic issues facing continuing care communities.

The campaign will run through January 2021 with the goal of communicating the true state of continuing care in Alberta, as well as fostering and increasing public understanding and support.

Please support the campaign by sharing ACCA campaign posts and media coverage on your social media channels. Click the following links to follow them on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. When sharing, use the hashtag #TruthAboutABCare and mention the ACCA website,

Please go to their website to learn more, and join us and the ACCA to "dispel myths, share resources and provide information about continuing care to all Albertans."
